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Care Labels

Laser Printed Computer Fabric Labels (Sheet Fed - Pinfed)

Care Labels

Laser Printed Computer Fabric Labels (Sheet Fed - Pinfed)

JEANCARE sheet fed laser computer labels are individual sheets perforated horizontally and vertically for computer printing of care labels on desktop laser printers.  Also see Dot Matrix Computer Labels


Laser printed computer labels have excellent print quality rivaling screen print or offset labels. These are specially coated products that have been developed to be compatible with laser toners. We make 8" wide sheets for laser printers which have self-centering feed guides. For printers requiring 8-1/2" wide sheets that fit in a cassette, additional perforated tear strips are provided 1/4" from each edge that may readily be removed.




The sheet length varies depending upon the label size. When using standard 8-1/2" X 11" sheets, the label sizes are:

40 labels per sheet of 1" X 2.2";

30 labels per sheet of 1-1/3" X 2.2";

32 labels per sheet of 1" X 2-3/4";

24 labels per sheet of 1-1/3" X 2-3/4", etc.




JEANCARE pinfed laser computer labels are continuous pinfed sheets, perforated horizontally and vertically and fan-folded, for computer printing of care labels on laser printers.


The standard format is 9" wide with 1/2" tractor-feed tear-strips on both sides of the sheets.


Various coated non-woven materials are available; the selection dependent upon the application. They are fully washable for conventional home laundering.


All standard and special sizes are available.


Dot Matrix Computer Printed Fabric Labels

JEANCARE Computer labels are pin-fed, perforated, and fan-folded for computer printing of care labels. All labels are made to provide excellent print quality which may be easily separated at the perforations, are static free, and comply with FTC wash standards.


We have 17 different substrates available including nonwoven blends,woven acetates, polyester/cotton and Tyvek. Various custom coatings for conventional home laundering, overdye and industrial wash applications are available.


Standard web widths of 9" and 14-1/2" are stocked; other web widths are available on special order. These can be used for continuous feeding on dot matrix or line printers.

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